Sassy || Persistent || Masochistic || Kooky

There can be no rebirth without a dark night of the soul,
a total annihilation of all that you believed in
and thought you were.

Last edit: 11/20/2022

Public Information

A woman that hails from the noble city of Ishgard. Not born into nobility, Caoimhe was born into a family of knights -- those that come from it were always fated to be either wards to outstanding houses, or well serving knights to Ishgard. Soon after her official enlistment as a knight, she became a ward as well to House Weistera - no reason whatsoever on why that house... With her taciturn mind and surprising ferocity, she rose the ranks to where she rests as a captain now. Now, she uses her skills and her strings to give work and positions to those that ask of it.

Art Credit to Lianeige

Full Name:
Caoimhe Morning
White Rose, Morning Glory
13th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon (6/13)
Marital Status:
Figuring it out (Female leaning)
Common, Elezen
Knight of Ishgard
Ward of House Weistera
Neutral Good

At First Glance:

  • Diplomatic: Due to her upcoming as a Captain, the woman is quite versed in managing relations should it come to it. She's often seen mingling with folks of any backgrounds, somehow able to charm you to like her.

  • Resilient: It's no surprise the woman is quite resilient, physically and mentally. She always seem to bounce right back no matter the adversity or disappointment. The woman just quickly moves on, even after a mistake.

  • Altruistic: She's always seen offering a hand to anyone, even should she not gain anything out of it in return. Always wanting to help out and be the unmoving rock for you to lean on.

  • Busybody: Though the woman is quite friendly and wish to help those she comes across, she can be a bit alarming with how she doesn't respect personal space. Either standing too close or...just...staring. Maybe she's just spacing out?

RP Hooks & General Info.

Caoimhe doesn't tend to move much from her city-state. You can often catch her posting up around Coerthas mainly. Though, sometimes she's seen trailing after a certain Raven-haired individual... Should you require assistance, the woman is more than happy to oblige.

  • Caoimhe is mainly stationed in Ishgard as well as seen around Coerthas. Maybe you're curious about the knightly woman and wish to struck up a conversation. She'll welcome the change on an otherwise boring guard duty.

  • More known for her Captainly / Knightly duties, the woman also seemingly knows all the talk of the Brume. Perhaps you wish to input a word or two or glean some as well.

  • Word has it that you can often seen the knight hanging around a notable raven-haired woman. The interactions are quite comical... Maybe you wish to glean their relationship or just curious on what the two might be up to.

  • Though she may be on duty nearly every day, you can often catch the woman training away out in the snowy fields of Coerthas, or helping fellow knights with their own. She always appear to be wanting to lend a hand.

  • Sometimes the woman can be caught in the restricted sections of some libraries...what in the Seven Hells is she doing in there?


Though she may have been stationed and lived in Ishgard her whole life, the woman is bound to have some rumors, especially with the company she seemingly attracts and keeps.

Common rumors are easily overheard or are public knowledge.
Uncommon rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.
Rare rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or exaggerated. Please feel free to let me know if you'd like to add your own rumors.




⚔︎ "When on duty, she's fairly serious and straight-forward. Stubborn to not take no for an answer but very open to opinions..."⚔︎ "Is she...hiding behind that pillar, trailing after the Ice Maiden..?"⚔︎ "Very keen on keeping up with her physical health. Time spent relaxing is instead reading and training."

⚔︎ "Always has an...interesting book to offer should you find yourself in a library with her."⚔︎ "There's a draft of wind that comes from behind the shelves in her office. Maybe there's a room behind there...?"⚔︎ "She abuses her Captain rank to just piss off and go to whatever outposts she wants to go to."

⚔︎ "The woman just stands oddly, all up in your personal bubble staring you down, unblinkingly."⚔︎ "Always shooting her shot at the Ice Maiden, even should she be brutally put down..."

Player Spoken Rumors

Rumors here can be heard from player characters. If your character has something they would like to say about Alduin for the realm to know, send me a /tell in-game or message me on Discord about it!

  • WIP


Caoimhe Morning is a Hyur of 24 cycles, standing proudly at 5 fulms 6 ilms, weighing about 150 ponze. Her snow white hair is always kept short, either tidied up in a small braid / bun or kept to a choppy, shorter style. The woman is quite attractive, with electric blue eyes you can find yourself gazing deep into to an appearance she always ensure to keep proper. The woman adorns herself with make-up as well, drawing more attention to that strong gaze of hers. Somehow, that scar of hers just adds unto her appearance.It's no surprise that the woman contains a lithe and muscular body under that armor, having trained with the Ishgardian Knighthood for years and ensuring to keep that training to a maximum - in the case she has to be called upon duty. She takes her job serious, so she's always in tip-top shape.Proficient in several weapons, that range from a lance to her own fists, the woman seemingly prefers the classic sword and shield combo. It allowed for her to build a strong foundation; a strong core and legs. Her trained finesse and her durability makes her quite the opponent to have - one you wish you didn't cross paths with.

Hair Color:
Snow White with Pink Highlights
Eye Color:
Dark Electric Blue
Skin Tone:
Lithe and Muscular
Soft and Unyielding
Sassy and Eccentric
One that cuts through the bridge of her nose


relationship key

(Click Images to Learn More!)

♥ Romantic Relationship
♧ Sexual Relations
❣ Crush
⁂ Family
★ Trusted Friend
✔ Business
⧖ Lost contact

☠ Deceased
✘ Betrayed
☮ Positive
☢ Negative
● Neutral
≈ Confusing Feelings
⚔️ Rivals

Gemini Weistera
Caoimhe's childhood friend. The woman can always seen tagging along with the highlander - or perhaps wistfully thinking from afar as she...stalks her. It's strange that the woman still puts up with her antics to this day - but Caoimhe values the skills this Ice Queen brings as well as some bout of excitement should she catch her upon a quest on an otherwise boring day. The woman is still in denial that what adoration may actually a crush.

Primrose Devereux
Another one of Caoimhe's childhood friends. Somehow, even should their personalities appear to be on different spectrums, the two get along just nicely. The woman allows this uptight princess to be who she wishes to be in her company. Though, their relationship is strange to say the least - the redhead is quite the sadist and should she catch herself on a mission with her...Well, thankfully those sadistic tendencies can be released upon the masochistic knight.

OOC Information

Hey hey. My name is Al (she/they). I'm an 18+ roleplayer and I've been playing this game for about 6 years now and have recently - just about 2019 - started roleplaying seriously on FFXIV. I've had a long history of roleplaying, more or so more than 10 years on different platforms and games. Though, forgive me for any grammatical mistakes that I make, punctuation and wording in my sentences. I tend to get wordy since English is not my mother tongue. I'm not a picky RPer, but I mostly prefere adventure, mature, dark, etc. I care not of how long plot lengths are but I prefer much longer ones that would enrapture me. I don't really have a set schedule on when I'm around but I'm usually online everyday late afternoons to late evenings (CST).

Roleplay Preferences

I will:
Combat RP. One-shot RP. Long-term RP. Dramatic plots. Heavy, feeling-driven plots. Romance. Sexual tension. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation of mind or body. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Assassination attempts. Rivalries. Deep platonic friendships. Basically - I'm down for anything really.
I will not:
Allow lore breaking. Allow my character to be killed. Allow godmodding. OOCly planned romances, except under special circumstances.
Ask about:
ERP. Torture that leaves behind lasting, long-term effects (aka, longer than 3 months). Long-term and/or permanent injury. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Significant tampering of the mind. Anything that is dramatically character-changing, or may have extremely negative implications for my character. Involvement of children in the RP (I will only allow this depending on the RP occurring).
Please for the love of God; If you are seeking to ERP or play out more mature themes, please be 18 years or older. If I find out that you are lying about your age, I will immediately drop you. No if and's and buts.

General PoliciesI'm a pretty laid back person so usually, I'm chill with a lot of things! Unless you go out of your way to be a dick or do some stupid shit, then we'll be usually cool. I consider myself a walking lorebook when it comes to the game but even so, I'm always down to RP any lore - so long as you're not breaking it badly or changing vital points. But, if you explain yourself out as well as your reasoning, then that's fine by me. I'm here to just chill, have fun and watch my poor character go through some shit.ERP/Romance: I generally made all my characters without the thought of ERP or romance in mind. Though - there will be points in my character's story that it will happen. I generally only allow it if the flow of RP is to dictate it to flow in that direction, as well as if the relationship between the characters is positive. I'm more of a slow burn person, wanting the romance and feelings to bud over time. But - there are some cases where I'm fine with ERP/Romance on the spot - that is if it ties with what is currently happening.Combat/Injury: I am okay with either roll battles or emote battles. All I ask is that you don't godmod and accept the consequences of fighting.

Template for this Carrd was kindly provided by Lucille Levenson and Sokhtai Uyagir.

(For artist credit, please click on the pictures).

Discord: Provided when needed
FFXIV (Brynhildr): Caoimhe Morning
If you need me for anything else, i.e. content; On my main, I'm an omnirole with majority of my jobs geared up. I'm always down to host, callout, lead, etc. with anything. Just give me a poke!

Character Themes

These videos are meant to help familiarize yourself with my character's personality and fighting. If you can take a listen, that would be great! If you have any suggestions or a piece has reminded you of her, i'd be down to add it upon the list!